Friday, June 3, 2011

selena gomez and justin bieber kissing

selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. Justin Bieber Kisses Selena
  • Justin Bieber Kisses Selena

    Apr 24, 01:14 AM
    seriously just shut ur pretty faces with the tired backlit keyboard anthem. this is like the least desirable feature esp since it has a direct impact on battery life.

    so simple really:

    -more power
    -longer battery life
    -IPS display
    -less weight
    -runs cool

    the new x220 does the mba better in three items above today for a fact. time for apple to step it up again.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • *LTD*
    May 5, 04:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Laptop Hunters Reloaded.

    Predictable result: record Mac sales this quarter. Pretty much what's been happening every quarter. MS and Ballmer have been bleating the same tired garbage for years: Macs are expensive, get a PC!

    Except now, the netbook market is drying up, Apple has passed everyone in profit, market cap, etc., MS Windoze Phone 2007 is about as exciting as waiting for a NoDo update, and they have sweet f all in the tablet market. MS is moving from embarrassment to embarrassment. They should just allow users to install Office on the Xbox and play with Clippy.

    MS latest campaign is attacking Apple at the top of their game, when they're changing the face if tech across the board. And MS wants to tell consumers to please please buy a ****** PC instead?? Really?? Totally insane.

    Of course, unsurprisingly, Steve Ballmer actually thinks this is a brilliant idea.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 23, 02:53 PM
    Sounds a bit redundent given my Samsung TV, Sony Bluray, Humax PVR, XBox 360, Windows PC and my macs (with Twonky installed) already all play nicely together without needing a new standard.

    feel better?

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • cameronjpu
    Apr 12, 08:03 PM
    Um.. the iPad does NOT even make calls. How could it drop them to begin with? *duh*

    It must suck to never get jokes.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. Justin Bieber
  • Justin Bieber

  • Stuipdboy1000
    Aug 19, 12:42 PM
    3.2.1 has been pushed out from the App Store.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Compufix
    Sep 20, 06:04 PM
    That's really interesting! You just held "c" at boot to load up the XP CD?

    I'm guessing you still needed to use a "slipstreamed" XP SP2 CD with the SATA drivers installed so it doesn't run in dog slow PIO mode

    Where the hell did you find chipset drivers, graphics card drivers, sound card drivers etc? :confused:

    You still need a driver CD from Apple for all can get that from someone that installed Bootcamp....

    Supposedly the new EFI update for Mac Pro (just released) solves the PIO problem without needs to slipstream the XP CD. I won't know until tomorrow, however I already did the slipstream who knows what will happen.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber kissed selena
  • justin bieber kissed selena

  • bmustaf
    Apr 5, 05:59 PM
    Well, the Xoom isn't tied to the carrier. Google uses it (currently, at least) as the reference device for their Honeycomb platform.

    I think iPad 2 and iOS has advantages, but as an Apple supporter myself and user/dev owner, too, I think the hubris in this community is very dangerous.

    The bigger they are, the higher they know how the saying goes. The U2 wasn't untouchable, and neither is the iPad 2. The sooner we get over this idea that there is an inherent superiority anything Apple, I really think the better off Apple and its products and the ecosystem actually will be!

    Ever since Android was released on phones I have been hearing that it "is just a release or two away from being a great OS". The reality is that most Android devices are extremely lucky if they get one upgrade ported to them by their carrier. I'll stick with an iPad2 rather than buying something and hoping that it improves with time.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. selena gomez and justin bieber; selena gomez and justin bieber. sagasaga. Jan 12, 05:48 AM
  • selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. selena gomez and justin bieber; selena gomez and justin bieber. sagasaga. Jan 12, 05:48 AM

  • Dagless
    Dec 16, 03:29 PM
    Doesn't Sony own both of them? Rage against the machine indeed.

    Also.....if people REALLY wanted to get a different song to no.1 then they could have at least chosen a good song!
    That's what I thought when I first heard it yesterday.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • chrissnv
    Mar 26, 03:36 PM
    It looks like they are right outside of an Apple store!

    Actually this is not the Apple Store. The Apple Store is further down University Avenue opposite a Borders (at least for now). The Rumor is that they are thinking about moving to another location on that street.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber kisses selena
  • justin bieber kisses selena

  • Roessnakhan
    May 3, 09:28 AM
    While I don't deny that some may be thicker - mine appears the same as my old black iPhone and two of my friends.


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • delgan
    Feb 2, 04:44 PM had some pretty good deals on apple product accessories

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. justin bieber
  • justin bieber

  • Darth.Titan
    Apr 18, 02:15 PM
    You might get $40 for it. The shells do make pretty good aquariums after all. :D


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. Justin+ieber+selena+gomez
  • selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. Justin+ieber+selena+gomez

  • bigcat318
    Apr 14, 01:50 PM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?

    Joking I hope

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • rph105
    Oct 25, 01:25 AM
    Yezzir Im Going To Be There For 6pm Sharp With My Gorgeous Gurl, Hoping To Scoop Leopard For Both Of Us


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • ptuxbury
    Feb 25, 06:45 AM
    An another note, everybody makes mistakes. I don't think it's necessary to insult some of the parents posting here for their struggles with their children. I bet a lot of the insults come from people who aren't even parents themselves, so they wouldn't have a clue about the complexities, difficulties, and stresses associated with being a parent.

    These parents already have their hands full without someone else (who probably doesn't understand anyway) insulting them.

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. selena gomez kissing on a
  • selena gomez and justin bieber kissing underwater. selena gomez kissing on a

  • ethical
    Dec 16, 02:52 PM
    Christmas no.1 is all about what's most popular AT THE TIME. If that's the ****** X-Factor song then who cares! I've been invited to those facebook groups like a million times, really gets annoying after a while!

    Also.....if people REALLY wanted to get a different song to no.1 then they could have at least chosen a good song!


    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. Justin+ieber+kissing+
  • Justin+ieber+kissing+

  • gugy
    Nov 14, 10:30 AM
    I agree that's a great idea. Apple once again on the forefront of thinking great things.
    My concern comes when an inividual brings a x-rated(porn) content on their iPods and choose to see on the seat screens. That will cause a furor!:eek:

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber

  • CaoCao
    Apr 9, 01:34 AM
    So what about pap smears, cancer detection, HPV detection, STD testing and immunization, sex education, and all the other things that don't have to do with popping out units that the GOP will also be killing?

    Maybe we should also tell women that in the name of personal responsibility, they need to learn how to detect cervical cancer their own damn self. Maybe we should also tell a guy with Chlamydia that he should buy a chemistry set and invent his own damn cure.

    Other organizations do that stuff also. The majority of Planned Parenthood's business is abortions.

    PS don't Planned Parenthood's origins

    selena gomez and justin bieber kissing. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 14, 01:24 PM
    A good hire, Apple deserves him;)

    i-Phone? i-Pad? your opinion is worthy.

    Aug 2, 09:44 PM
    I wonder if you could hack a 3G microcell to do this entirely in software.

    I don't know it could be possible. I know there are a lot more GSM fans on this message board, but that is one advantage of the CDMA network. It is much more secure when it comes to things like hacking. I do believe the newer WCDMA 3G (UMTS) is secure as well, but if you can throw in noise to bump the network back to 2G EDGE then it appears you can hack in without any issues.

    Nov 2, 11:28 AM
    If Apple really wants to gain significant market share, it's going to have to advertise to people other than yuppies. I AM a yuppie and Apple's advertising and general attitude are a huge turn off for me.

    Working class America is intimidated by snobbery and will always feel more comfortable with down-to-earth, Wal-Marty companies. If Apple wants to gain users, it needs to find an innovative way to advertise to both it's existing yuppie constituency and common consumers. Otherwise they can forget about rising higher than a low double digit percentage.

    Apr 2, 07:42 PM
    Except for a minor cursor glitch, I haven't encountered any bugs in Pages, and it does everything I've asked of it. I especially love the way it handles graphics. Being able to drag pictures where you want them and keep them there, letting text flow around them as you type, is sooo much nicer than what I've experienced in Word, which is usually "Dammit, Word, why did you bump my picture to the next page just because I typed three letters?"

    So contrary to most of the posters here, I'm quite happy with Pages. I agree that the user interface could use some remodeling, especially the tedious Inspector pane, but overall I've been impressed with the quality of this 1.0-level app that only costs $40 (so to speak). It's a great Word alternative for those who don't need Excel and don't want to shell out several hundred bucks (MS Office) just to get something better than TextEdit.

    Aug 14, 02:04 PM
    ...if you're selling soap.

    Imagine the following. You're Apple's ad agency, and you've been hired by the Reds, the local sports team. A few miles away is the home of the Blues, and in your town, the Reds make up the team affiliation of about 80% of the population, with the Blues making up the other 20%. There's a degree of rivalry between the teams.

    The Reds want more people coming to their stadiums. They need increased revenue ticket sales. The only people to attract now are the Blues. The Blues obviously like your sport, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen a team in the first place, but they're not willing to consider, as yet, seeing Red team games. How do you attract Blue supporters?

    If you're Apple's ad agency, your ad goes something like:

    Blue: "I'm a blue player"
    Red: "And I'm a red player"
    Blue: "Duh. I can kick this ball, duh, look" (*kicks at ball several times, finally actually hitting it the 7th time*)
    Red: *smugly bounces a ball on knee* "Red scored the highest last season, and we're consistantly the best team"
    Blue: "Hey! Hey, watch this" *attempts to balance ball on nose, ball consistantly rolling off and away. Blue chases after ball*
    Red: *Kicks ball up, bounces on knee, headbutts it, and catches it with one hand behind him* "We have some really skilled players"

    (Ad continues ad-nausium. By which I mean it's an ad that makes you nauseous.)

    Now, another approach might be to run an ad that consists of a bunch of shots from your stadium. You show some pretty good playing, stuff people will find impressive and will have wished they saw. You show the Reds most often, but, hey, there are two teams in every game. In other words, instead of taking sides based upon the team, you show people that if they come to your stadium, they're going to have a good time. They're going to see some impressive playmanship. Even if it's not their team, there's reason for them to want to go and see the next game.

    Which type of ad would sway you? Which type of ad would get you to go to a stadium owned by your team's rival?

    The current "I'm a Mac" series doesn't work because it appeals to fanboism, but in doing so, it also ends up being fanboism's victim. It doesn't appeal to PC owners, it just cements existing Mac user's sense of superiority. Except me. I cringe every time I see them.

    I disagree totally. People buy superiority. Thats what a good portion of the population wants. Thats why peop;le buy designer clothes. Thats why people buy fancy cars. Thats why people buy expensive jewelery. Thats why people stay at 5 star hotels. People want to feel like they are better than everyone else or they've made better choices.

    Not everyone of course. But there are alot.

    Mar 16, 11:44 PM
    $1.10/L for regular at the co-op across the way i think that makes it about $4.17/Gallon

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